Monday, January 21, 2008


So, I took some new pictures of the little evil fuzzballs yesterday that I figured I'd post. Giz is a Linx Point Siamese and Taye is a Turkish Angora and their both devious, adorable little demons.

In this last one, its minutes after Taye knocked my tabletop easel off of my art desk, breaking it. (It was cheapo and I got a new one for Xmas, so its all good.) Afterwards, she decided to chew on the freaking feet of it. All things considered, I love that cat to death. More to come!


Sunday, January 20, 2008

First post!

Wow! Check it out! I have a blog! I'll be posting art and random thoughts up here, so I appreciate anyone who stops by and gives it a glance.

Until tomorrow!
