Hiya folks! I gave a lot of thought as to the easiest way to post my roadtrip, and I ended up deciding to post each day separately, with its corresponding pictures.
But here's the gist- My spring break was March 7th to the 15th. My best friend Kitty and I decided that we wanted to take a roadtrip down south. Our first stop was Columbia, South Carolina, to visit my grandparents. After that, we were heading to Marietta (about 10 minutes outside of Atlanta), Georgia, to visit Kitty's mom and step father Jim. After that, we would head for Ashville, North Carolina to go and visit Kitty's grandparent's. Soon after was the OH SO FUN 10 hour drive home.
Friday the 6th, we left Virginia and drove somewhere around 7 to 8 hours to South Carolina. Surprisingly, the drive was actually really enjoyable (with the exception of EVERY driver from Conneticut, which Kitty and I have decided require you to be a douchebag to get a drivers liscense) and we drove in shifts with the much needed guidance of the TomTom. We arrived in Columbia at around 5:30, where my grandparents were VERY excited to see us. That night, we had some absolutely fantastic pizza, watched a Fred Astaire movie and PASSED OUT.
So. Day 1.
Saturday the 7th (The official day 1) we woke up to my grandfather making his famous sourdough pancakes, eggs, and sausage. After stuffing ourselves to the brim, we packed up and drove to the Columbia Canal.

Kitty, in the car on the way.

Heres the river-side of the canal. It was an absolutely beautiful day, so we got lots of wonderful pictures of the water.
Then, I started to play with the macro lens on my Nikon d50...

Kitty, meanwhile, shoots with a Canon.

My Grandma was excited to be there...

The canal was really moving, as well. The city had had a lot of rain before we came into town.

From the canal, we headed for the South Carolina state museum. I was instantly enchanted by the giant fiberglass replica of the Megladon shark, hanging in the main hall of the museum-

Kitty and I named him Theodore (Teddy for short) and I tried to figure out a way I could nonchalante-ly steal him. I figured he was a little big for me to stick him under my shirt, but we could probably put him in Kitty's purse. His tail would stick out a little though...
The state museum was really neat. They had some cool dioramas of South Carolina wildlife, a section on dinosaurs, a really neat section on storms and such, and finally- a big hands-on area, where they explained various phenomena. This is where I bashed the bejezus out of my left index finger. I caught it in a lever of one of the models, and successfully borked it for the rest of the trip. It was all purpley and swollen well into the week and even though it isn't swollen now, I'm still having alot of problems with residual pain and continually bashing it on things.
That night, we headed back to the house, had some home-smoked bbq pork shoulder, compliments of my grandfather, and watched Wall-E. Also another crashing night.
Ps- I forgot to mention. Before we left, Kitty and I met Christopher Moore!

We went in for a book signing, and both bought his new (And totally AWESOME) book, Fool.
In case you were wondering- the man is totally awesome.
After the slight detour, On to day 2!