Okay. It's official. I'm addicted to Dr. Who. Is there, like, some 12 step program for that? Because I'm having difficulty dealing with the fact that The Doctor is a fictional character- not to mention the act that the tenth Doctor, Mr. David Tennant, makes me all weak in the knees. My flairboard on facebook has been populated with Dr. Who flair, including my favorite, "My flair board is bigger on the inside". Also, I can't help but squeal at the screen, "He's the DOCTAH!" Every time I'm watching the show and someone asks, "Who are you?" I'm a few episodes into Season 3, and I bawled my eyes out at the finale to season 2.
Bring Rose back. Do it now.
And I know that I'm going to finish watching and then I'll have to wait till 2010 for my next fix. *whine*
REGARDLESS. I so know whats going on my Christmas list this year.
I want a frickin Sonic screwdriver.
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