Monday, February 25, 2008

Graohics Class assignments

Blaaaahh. My graphics class is really no fun. We'll see how it goes. ANYWAYS I have two assignments to post and show the world.
The first is My 'Introspective self portrait' that was a pain in the ass because my teacher gave the most vague description of the assignment in the world... I ended up choosing two things I liked about myself, my eyes and hair and highlighting them. I added my favorite scarf, a few fun textures and then my personal motto. I'm pretty happy with how it came out, given the circumstances. The second... Well, let me be honest. I half-assed the 'fried egg' assignment big time. Basically, I dropped two ellipticals down, added some color and then ran a cutout filter over top to make it all pop-art-y. Now heres the question. Why did photoshop get rid of the erode filter mechanism? It made things a lot easier. Of course, I could be retarded and they just moved it and I've been using 7 for two years and CS3 for a good 4 months and still haven't found it... Whatever. Anyways, the next assignment is to add a "Glow" to an object, so that one should be fairly entertaining wen I get it finished and put up. More to come later, mainly sketches on notes and maybe some jewelry shots. Feel free to comment!


A noteworthy Photoshop Phriday

This is just about one of the funniest things I've seen in weeks. I totally got 7-up out my nose... This is done by BranceMulliganPI on Photoshop Phriday. Freaking CHOICE.

Monday, February 18, 2008

I fail. But I have pretty pictures!

Sorry for the hiatus folks, I got beaten by the sign in system on this damned page, but now I think I've finally sorted that out. I've been doing as much sketching as possible lately due to my growing stress over my upcoming court date for reckless, so I have a few things to post. I haven't really scanned in the random sketches yet, but I have some polished work done.

For now, I give you- BOOBIES.

The blondie's name is Michelle. The lollipop lady is Eleanor. And hush- the sun was in my eyes when I drew the lollipop. Also, the chick in the kimono is Yoko. I'm not sure if I'm going to make her a pinup or not, we shall see. More soon!